2023-11-10 05:42Press release

EasyMining receives grant to produce fertilisers from bio-based materials

EasyMining receives grant to produce fertilisers from bio-based materials

The innovation company EasyMining has been granted 2.8 MSEK from Sweden's innovation agency Vinnova for a project set to redefine how to produce fertilisers from bio-based materials, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

- If we are serious about creating a sustainable society, we need to use the resources we already have, over and over. Therefore, we are committed to enhancing the circularity and sustainability of bio-based processes, while simultaneously reducing the disposal of wastes on landfills and on agricultural land, says Ehsan Moslehi, R&D Engineer at EasyMining.

The initiative, which commences in November 2023 and spans over 30 months, focuses on the efficient recovery of high-purity fertilisers from various industries, including pulp and paper, food, forestry, and animal sectors. The primary objective is to develop a cutting-edge chemical process that enables the extraction of potassium and phosphorus compounds from bio-based materials, ultimately transforming them into valuable commercial fertilisers.

- These recovered fertilisers will undergo rigorous assessment and validation in collaboration with project partners. Additionally, the project will encompass comprehensive analyses, including a life cycle assessment, market analysis, and evaluation of industrial implementation strategies, says Ehsan Moslehi.

The project aims to introduce a technology capable of recovering fertilisers from bio-based materials, boasting a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 5, a Sustainability Readiness Level (SRL) of 5, and a Market Readiness Level (MRL) of 6. These metrics highlight the project's commitment to not only developing a groundbreaking technology but also ensuring its sustainability and market viability.

- This project underscores the commitment to a more sustainable and circular future in the world of bio-based materials. It brings together experts from various industries, uniting their expertise to develop innovative solutions for a greener tomorrow, says Ehsan Moslehi.

The work will be conducted within the strategic innovation program BioInnovation, a collaborative initiative involving Vinnova (Sweden’s Innovation Agency), Formas, and the Swedish Energy Agency.

For further information, please contact: Ehsan Moslehi, R&D Engineer at EasyMining, ehsan.moslehi@easymining.com, +4670 912 47 76 Emma Ranerfors, Press officer, EasyMining/Ragn-Sells, press@ragnsells.com, +4670 927 24 16


FACT: The project in short

In-depth Characterisation: A comprehensive analysis of materials and waste products originating from bioprocesses.

Chemical Recovery: The development of cutting-edge chemical processes for the decontamination and extraction of potassium and phosphorus fertilisers.

Validation: Rigorous testing and validation of the recovered fertilisers to ensure their quality and effectiveness.

Commercialisation and Market Implementation: An assessment of the commercial viability and strategies for successful market implementation.

About EasyMining

EasyMining is an innovation company dedicated to closing nutrient cycles. We are owned by the Swedish environmental company Ragn-Sells. Our objective is to create new circular material flows in an efficient commercial way. We do this by inventing and implementing new technology that uses chemical solutions to recycle important materials. www.easymining.com